A strategic plan for executing daily tasks is given to the medical personnel. Adopting formal procedures and regulations can simplify internal processes, facilitate compliance with policies and procedures, and provide guidance on decision-making. By streamlining the resolution of patient issues, such processes can also save time and reduce stress for healthcare professionals, as emphasized by Ahmed et al. (2022). Data supports the notion that physicians are increasingly involved in the administrative aspects of diabetes care in their daily work. In contrast, diabetes patients who receive guidance from nurses are more likely to make beneficial lifestyle changes and become more engaged in managing their condition. Nurses play a crucial role in educating patients on monitoring their weight and blood sugar levels regularly and utilizing online resources to acquire self-management skills, as suggested by Yapanis et al. (2022).
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Clinical diabetes guidelines are designed to reduce the risk of short- and long-term complications and improve the health of individuals with diabetes. These guidelines specify the essential components that diabetes education programs should cover and enable healthcare practitioners to control their patients’ conditions better. They also help identify areas where further training and education are needed, as highlighted by Torres et al. (2022). Physicians can use these guidelines as a learning tool to enhance their understanding of diabetes management, leading to better healthcare outcomes for patients. Screening tests for HgbA1c and foot exams can aid in early diabetes identification and lighten the workload of healthcare staff. Empowering patients with self-management approaches can enable them to independently regulate and control their disease, as emphasized by Guo et al. (2022).
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Nurses are primarily responsible for providing treatment and patient education on maintaining diabetes. The board members and the director of the diabetes department must decide upon the optimal technique and reporting arrangement. Participating in creating and implementing the policy will empower clinicians, patients, and their relatives (Mendez et al., 2022). The development and implementation of policies and practices for managing diabetes will involve a team of high-level administrative personnel, nurses, and doctors. The process will include gathering feedback from staff members and clinicians to ensure that guidelines are being followed. As highlighted by Kaczmarek et al. (2022), nurses will play a critical role in this process by attending workshops and training sessions to increase their knowledge and understanding of diabetes management. This approach will promote collaboration and communication among healthcare professionals, leading to better patient outcomes and quality of care.
The issues related to the diabetic patient mortality rate are linked to the healthcare staff’s overburdening and lack of policy adherence. The training sessions will help nursing staff understand the need for new policies and guidelines and how they should implement these policies. Training session in the hospital specifically for nursing staff will enhance their satisfaction with clinical practices, ultimately linked to better patient care (Mendez et al., 2022).
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Workstation review, communication skills, seminars, conferences, dialogues, group activities, simulations, and practical exams are just a few learning strategies that can be used in a training session. Chircop et al. (2021) developed a 90-minute diabetes management training program to train medical staff on using glucometers to monitor blood glucose levels and educating patients about diabetes symptoms, causes, and treatments. Most participants expressed satisfaction with the training’s overall objectives, content, and organization. Simulation-based education is an effective teaching method that can provide a real-world learning experience for healthcare professionals. Group training simulations can improve clinical performance and patient outcomes. Participants were able to provide patient care in a simulated environment with a clinical scenario that included a review of typical hyperglycemia signs and symptoms. Nursing students’ learning abilities were enhanced by instructional interventions that used both high-fidelity simulations and standardized patients (Kaczmarek et al., 2022)